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Ocean Drive Magazine
About Ocean Drive Magazine
Since its launch in 1993, Ocean Drive has been renowned as the go-to publication for Miami's high society. Featuring A-List celebrities and soon to be icons like Heidi Klum and Diddy, this luxury lifestyle media brand helped ignite today’s South Beach - a globally coveted hot spot overflowing with trendsetters who rely on it for all their need-to know information. With an unmatched pulse of the market, Ocean Drive lives up to its moniker “The Bible of South Beach," allowing readers an inside view into what makes Miami so chic around the world.
Shipping Information
Shipping is always FREE at TopMags. Due to magazine subscription cycles, please allow up to 8-12 weeks after purchase for your first issue to arrive. You may not receive the exact issue depicted above, but you will receive the most recent issue of Ocean Drive once your subscription begins. The Ocean Drive cover image(s) above are the sole property of Ocean Drive, or its parent company and are for illustrative purposes only. TopMags is not officially affiliated with or endorsed by Ocean Drive.