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Dollars & Sense Magazine
About Dollars & Sense Magazine
Dollars & Sense is a bimonthly magazine that provides worker-friendly perspectives on the U.S. and global economies in plain English. Founded in 1974, D&S is a non-profit, collectively-run organization that is committed to explaining essential economic concepts by placing them in their real-world context.
Each issue of D&S features articles on a wide range of economic topics, including:
- The economy and work: wages, jobs, unions, globalization, and the future of work
- The environment: climate change, energy, and sustainability
- Social justice: inequality, poverty, race, and gender
- Politics and policy: the role of government in the economy, and how to make it work for working people
- Consumer affairs: debt, credit, housing, and other financial issues
D&S is written for a general audience, and does not require any prior knowledge of economics. The magazine's articles are clear, concise, and accessible, and they are always grounded in real-world examples.
If you want to understand the U.S. and global economies from the perspective of ordinary people, not the boss's perspective that you get from the business press, then Dollars & Sense is the magazine for you.
Subscribe to Dollars & Sense today and start making sense of the economy!
Shipping Information
Shipping is always FREE at TopMags. Due to magazine subscription cycles, please allow up to 8-12 weeks after purchase for your first issue to arrive. You may not receive the exact issue depicted above, but you will receive the most recent issue of Dollars & Sense once your subscription begins. The Dollars & Sense cover image(s) above are the sole property of Dollars & Sense, or its parent company and are for illustrative purposes only. TopMags is not officially affiliated with or endorsed by Dollars & Sense.